fake physicians notes
types of fake physician letters

When faced by the prospect of lost pay or even a lost job because of unexcused absences at work, many people panic. They may turn to extreme and usually unsuccessful measures such as trying to write out a fake physician’s note on their computer, or even trying to steal a physician’s stationery or notepad in order to write an excuse that looks realistic.

The people who don’t panic do a little research, and find that there are reputable and trustworthy fake physicians notes sites on the internet. These sites specialize in providing medical excuse letters which will pass muster with just about any employer or school.

What’s particularly impressive, though, is that the very best sites don’t just provide fake, generic physicians’ letters. They have believable, customizable notes and documentation from almost every type of physician and clinic you can imagine. This way, you can use their services again and again for different diagnoses and problems, or for a condition that actually fits your own physical situation.

Here are just some of the types of letters you can find at the very best sites:

  • Regular fake physician’s note: this will come complete with authentic color logos and bar codes, areas for diagnosis and restrictions, even a physician’s personal “stamp” in the corner. The best medical excuse sites will have several different versions of this note, either so you can choose the one you like best, or can use them several times in succession for repeated absences which require visits to different physicians.
  • Fake specialist notes: these are particularly helpful for people with medical conditions which could be supported by a letter from a specialist; these range from cancer, heart, lung and kidney specialists, to those who treat less-serious illnesses such as ENT physicians, gynecologists, podiatrists and eye physicians. Since all of the notes are fully able to be customized for your needs, you can use them over and over again if you’re “receiving treatment” for a chronic condition which would require numerous visits to the same physician.
  • Fake dentist notes: not only can you get a “note from a dentist” to excuse you from work, fake notes from oral surgeons are also available for longer appointment and recuperation time.
  • Fake mental health notes: apparently written by a psychologist, these realistic excuse letters simply explain that you have missed work due to a health issue. They don’t go into detail, but will usually create understanding and sympathy as well as an excused absence.
  • Medical excuse slips: with a medical logo and looking like a prescription form, these are have the ideal appearance of coming from a pain clinic or “physician in a box” location.

Even better, the best sites give you an entire package of these fake physician letters, so that you have them on hand whenever you need them, and can choose from the entire list of possibilities to make your excuses look fully believable.

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